Thinking of doing business with loan sharks to fill up your financial needs? Well best to consider other financial options available. As much as possible, avoid transacting with them. These lenders are unlicensed and implement high rates of interest. Most cases, they are pressuring and threatening borrowers to frighten them and repay their loans. Given that these lenders aren’t licensed, it is, therefore, safe to say that they are transacting illegally.
Rather than falling to the hands of these businesses, it is preferable to seek financial services offered by wherein you can be certain that they are licensed.
The thing is, there are instances in which loan sharks is the only viable option available. When such time comes, how would you react and transact with these financial institutions? Good thing for you, there are tips that can help you in dealing with them.
Seek Help from a Financial Expert
It is recommended to consult with legal financial experts regardless of what your lending concerns are. When doing so, you are able to steer clear of dealing with loan sharks. At the same time, you will be enlightened with other ways of borrowing money from your loan advisor. Keep in mind that there’s nothing wrong in taking a loan. This is given that you know where you are getting your personal loan and on how you will be managing the money you borrowed.
Is the Lender Legitimate?
Part of your job is to confirm that the lender is legit. Have you recognized that there are many loan sharks who are presenting themselves as a licensed lender? But after performing thorough investigation, you’ll be surprised that they turned out to be illegal.
See to it that the lender is certified. They must secure lending licensed that’s issued by the government. If such information is lacking, then you may consider this is as a red flag. Therefore, it is preferable if you would stop transacting with them right there and then.
Don’t Panic
The very first thing you have to do is to keep your posture. Never let the loan sharks see that you are aware of their efforts of trickery.
Doing this may put you into risks and more problems.
No More Payments!
As you report your predicament to the right authority, it is preferable to stop making payments for your debt. Since these loan sharks are illegally transacting, it only indicates that they’ve got no rights in lending money or receiving payments to their debtors. You have to know your rights and the law being a borrower.