Financial and Economic Crisis Ten Years AgoFinancial and Economic Crisis Ten Years Ago

The world financial and economic system was on the brink. Questionable speculation business with American home loans turned into a global liquidity and confidence crisis between the banks. The financial crisis kept the world in suspense for many months. The stock prices tumbled into the basement, one large financial house after the other reported billions in depreciation, or had to file for bankruptcy. New bad news reached the financial markets almost every day. Governments around the world tried to calm the panicked financial world. Solutions were sought at national, European, and international levels to limit the extent of the financial and economic crisis. Gross domestic product in Germany in 2009 was five percent lower than in the previous year. This was the sharpest decline in the post-war period.

The 2008 Financial Crisis: Crash Course Economics

The central banks steered against the crisis with a policy of cheap money. The taxpayer paid for the crisis. The German taxpayer was there with around 60 billion euros. Banks were supported by government billions. The consequences of the weakening economy – falling tax revenues, skyrocketing unemployment, rising social spending and billions of bailouts for banks – are putting a strain on national budgets, particularly in the weaker countries of the euro area. The result was the euro crisis. One eurozone after the other threatened to slide into insolvency. Due to the European Central Bank’s (ECB) low-interest-rate policy, savers lost hundreds of billions in lost interest, but loans were cheap. Investors migrated to the stock and real estate markets. The DAX has tripled since 2009, real estate is more expensive than ever before.

The world was in the worst financial and economic crisis since the 1930s. Then as now, there was too much speculation, too much trust in the mechanisms of the financial markets, and too little regulation of those who had started the crisis. The stock prices tumbled into the basement, one large financial house after the other reported billions in depreciation, or had to file for bankruptcy. New bad news reaches the financial markets almost every day.

Governments around the world tried to calm the panicked financial world and restore trust among consumers. Solutions were sought at national, European, and international levels to limit the extent of the crisis.

How did the financial crisis come about?

The subprime crisis is seen as a trigger for the global financial and economic crisis. Years of rising real estate prices in the United States, which had developed into a real estate bubble, stagnated and even fell in certain areas. At the same time, more and more borrowers could no longer service their loan installments, partly because of rising interest rates and partly because of a lack of income. Problematic borrowers (subprime – mortgage loans with low credit ratings) were charged with higher and higher interest rates after initially low-interest rates. With a debt rescheduling, the expensive loan for the property, which has now increased in value, should be repaid and a new loan should be taken out. However, real estate prices collapsed in mid-2006 and the business model no longer worked.

The situation was aggravated by daring constructions. In order to refinance themselves, the real estate banks bundled the high-risk loans into new types of securities that were sold to investors worldwide. These securities were initially rated as low-risk by rating agencies – but in the course of the real estate crisis, the securities were rated increasingly poorly, leading to corresponding losses in the banks’ balance sheets.

More and more subprime loans (low-quality mortgage loans) burst, confidence in the value of the securities allegedly secured by US mortgage contracts fell – and with it their price on the markets. As a result, banks sometimes had to drastically correct the values ​​of these papers in their books, which resulted in deep red numbers in the balance sheets. Two hedge funds from New York investment bank Bear Stearns had speculated because they were heavily involved in the property-backed paper.

In Germany, Mittelstandsbank IKB, HSH Nordbank, SachsenLB, WestLB, Landesbank Baden-Württemberg and BayernLB, both under public law, came into crisis because of false speculation on the US real estate market.

In September 2008, the events rushed. The US government had to take control of the bankrupt US mortgage companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. On September 15, 2008, 158-year-old Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy, while competitor Merrill Lynch was bought out by Bank of America. The US leading index Dow Jones suffered the biggest daily loss since September 11, 2001. Next, the US insurance company AIG was hit by capital losses and was only saved by a loan from the US Federal Reserve.

While today, the world is facing another threat of financial crisis, the government and private institutions like are coming up with plans to help small businesses through loans.

Where to Spend Money During a Pandemic?Where to Spend Money During a Pandemic?

Hoarding phase has finally settled. Now, the realities of social as well as physical distancing and the pandemic that Covid-19 brought are settling in. You may now wonder whether it is still good to buy your “wants” during these times. Perhaps, you are thinking hard if you should push through for a major purchase such as a new car or a new home.

Taking the dive on major purchases throughout this time is still like trying to navigate on uncharted waters. The same is true for financial experts. However as per their expert advice among families who are looking forward to spend their money regardless of the situation will depend on the situation.

Focus on the Essentials First

Does your pay cut off or has unfortunately lost your job? If yes, now may not be the ideal time to worry about the next purchase you should make aside from necessities similar to:

  • Housing
  • Food
  • Utilities

In the event that you are already struggling to stay afloat on a day to day basis meeting these necessities, then making a new purchase of that “want” is probably out of the equation.

On the other hand, if you are blessed to be part of those lucky people who were quick to adjust to a “work from home” setup or was just able to keep their employment, then most probably, your income is still intact.

Regardless, if the economy hampered, rest assured that the ripples could be widespread and delayed. With this in mind, financial experts agree that it is better to take every decision with caution, even though if there’s a Coronavirus relief program.

Say for example that you are in a bad financial shape no matter if the pandemic is to be blamed or not, buying high-priced items like a new car or going on a vacation will never be a smart move.

Revisiting Your Goals

In these times of pandemic, there is a high possibility that you are heavily relying on your credit card while sticking to a hair-tight budget. This makes it the perfect time to make reevaluation of your financial goals.

According to experts, the primary objective among families in such time is preserving flexibility of cash flow no matter whether your finances are impacted or not. Meaning to say, being able to have cash on hand if things go south. Additionally, it may mean to delay some major purchases that you have planned long ago, monitoring your spending and come up with a pandemic budget for essentials and food in short term.

Just in case that all else fails, you may try getting a loan at to cover for some expenses.

Binary Options Trading : Gaining Popularity Amidst COVID-19 CrisisBinary Options Trading : Gaining Popularity Amidst COVID-19 Crisis

Investors are gradually turning their attention to binary options trading instead of venturing into stock markets, because world economies are still in a limbo.

Obviously, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have struck nearly all industries in many countries. On the other hand, price per share of those benefiting from the COVID-19 lockdown measures are too high for comfort, at a time when there is still uncertainty on how economic fallouts can be resolved.

What Makes Binary Options Trading Attractive to Prospectors?

Binary options trading involves speculating on the future price of an investment asset, e.g. foreign currency, cryptocurrency or precious metal. The method is simple; an investor speculates if his investment asset will reach a price that will generate an expected yield or not.

By the way, this trading method is called binary because an investor has only two propositions to decide on; either a “Yes” or a “No” answer on whether he believes his investment asset will hit a price that will yield gains or not.

Outcomes or results are fast because binary options trading transpire within a specific period only, which can expire in as short as 60 seconds. An investor’s yield however, is based on the price he speculated, without any option to sell his investment asset at a potentially higher price. Winnings will come from the investment asset of the binary options trader who speculated on the opposite proposition. In some cases, the broker who offered the binary options trading deal, acts as the opposing party.

Apparently, there’s a high degree of risk involved, because if the investor is on the losing end of the “Yes” or “No” proposition, he stands to lose the asset invested. That is mainly because there is no actual buying and selling involved; only an exchange of price speculations. It is actually similar to placing one’s investment asset as stake to a gambling proposition to bet on a high or low number.

Reducing Risks on Binary Options Trading

If there is a great deal of risks involved, then why is binary options trading gaining popularity?

Apparently, there are ways to reduce risks in trading with binary options, and it starts with choosing the right broker. That being said, the next question that would be posed by those contemplating to participate in binary options trading is, “Who is the right broker?”

First off, consider only duly registered brokers offering this type of trading in the country where one is located.

Let’s take one of the most popular brokerages offering binary options trading, IQ Option Europe This broker is registered with European Economic Area, the organization of European countries, not necessarily members of the European Union, but involved in facilitating European market trade. IQ Options Europe Ltd. is also registered with the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), which closely and seriously monitors unfair market trading practices.

The next aspect to look into is if a broker provides prospecting investors with a demo software. That way, customers can practice not only how to trade on futures,but also how to analyze the binary options trading market and the underlying conditions. All of which can help a newbie gain confidence by becoming completely familiar with how trading on binary options work.

Economics and Finance are Interchangeably Used but Separate SubjectsEconomics and Finance are Interchangeably Used but Separate Subjects

Even though finance and economics are presented and taught to be individual disciplines on their own, these two are actually influencing, informing and interrelate each other. Investors do care about studies related to these subjects for they can significantly influence the market to certain degree. It is imperative for investors to steer clear on “either/or” arguments about finance and economics. Both have valid applications and thus, important.

A Deeper Look for Better Understanding

Generally speaking, economics’ attention is more on a broader scale like how a market, region or the entire country is performing. Aside from that, economics are focused on public policy whereas in finance, it is centered more on industry-or-company-specific. Finance on the other hand is centered on how investors and companies are evaluating risk and return. If we are going to go back in history, economics are more theoretical while finance is more practical. Yet, the distinction becomes less pronounced for the past two decades.

The truth is, the said disciplines may sound converging in some aspects. Professionals and experts in finance and economics are employed in corporations, financial markets and even the government itself. At some point, there will be a separation but, both are more likely to stay important to investors, markets and economy for the following years.


If we are going to look at finance on different angles, it describes anything that comprises the financial system and the study of the financial instruments. These elements can include but not limited to the following:

  • Management
  • Creation and study of money
  • Credit
  • Banking
  • Investments and;
  • Liability

Finance may also be divided into 3 categories similar to public finance, corporate finance and personal finance.

Finance usually focused on studying interest rates, prices, cash flow as well as financial markets. On a broader sense, finance has the tendency of focusing around topics which include time value of money, cost of capital, rates of return, quantification of risks and optimal financial structures.

What about Economics?

Economics is more of a social science and it focused on studying the consumption, distribution and production of goods and services; with the focus of explaining how its agent interacts and how itself works. Economics also have two main branches and these are the:

  1. Macroeconomics – it studies how aggregate economy is behaving and often studies inflation, GDP, national income and changes in unemployment.
  2. Microeconomics – this studies the economic tendencies or what is more likely to happen when someone makes certain decisions or when certain factors of production have been changed.

Without strong economics, it can make some individuals be in a downward spiral of losing their finances and forced to contact San Diego bankruptcy lawyers.

Understanding GDP and its Importance to a CountryUnderstanding GDP and its Importance to a Country

In economics, you will constantly hear or read about GDP or the Gross Domestic Product. This is the total market value or monetary value of all finished goods as well as services that is produced within the country’s territory in a given period of time. Here included all businesses regardless of its size and industry such as property management companies Atlanta. This is a broader scope of all the domestic production in a region and it acts as a thorough scorecard of how the economics of a country performs.

A Deeper Look at GDP

Even though GDP is calculated on a yearly basis, it may be calculated as well every quarter. Just as example in the US, the government is releasing an annual estimate of its GDP both every quarter and year. Majority of individual data sets will be given also in real terms. Meaning to say, the data will be adjusted as per price changes and therefore, the net of inflation.

GDP Basics

As mentioned earlier, GDP is the total market and monetary value of all finished services and goods produced for a given time in a country or region. This includes literally everything under its sovereign like:

  • Public and Private Consumption
  • Investments
  • Government Outlays
  • Additions to Private Inventories
  • Paid-in Construction Costs
  • Foreign Balance of Trades

Types of Measurements for GDP

Nominal GDP is basically how raw data is measured. Real GDP takes into consideration how inflation impacts a country and enables comparison of the economic output from the past years. Then GDP per capita is used in measuring GDP per person in national population which is quite useful in comparing GDP data among other countries.

Balance of trade is among the vital components of GDP formula for a country. GDP increased whenever the total value of services and goods that domestic producers make a successful sale to foreigners and it exceeded total value of foreign services and goods that the domestic consumers buy. This is otherwise called as trade surplus. If ever domestic consumers spent more on foreign products than what their domestic producers offer, this is a trade deficit and thus, it decreases the GDP.

Calculating GDP Based on Spending

Expenditure approach is otherwise called as spending approach. It is calculating spending by different groups operating within the economy. This approach could be calculated by applying the formula below:

  • GDP = C + G + I + NX, or Consumption + Government Spending + Investment + Net Exports

The Development of Cannabis and Its Impact on New York EconomyThe Development of Cannabis and Its Impact on New York Economy

The chances for the growth of economics in New York City is one of the most debatable arguments in legalizing marijuana. Based on studies, around 63.4 percent of adults say that legalization of marijuana would be justified through the creation of the industry and the related jobs. Furthermore, the act for legalizing marijuana offers a natural study on the economic progress of the industry. The new industry for marijuana is such a rare case for now thus, creation of supply chain must be implemented as soon as possible.

The Supply Chain of Medical Marijuana in New York

The medical marijuana has been legalized in New York in July 2014.

Due to the legalization of medical marijuana in New York and receiving five licenses after a year, the demand for it is really high. Likewise, the integration of the marijuana supply chain is very much required. Actually, there are 32 dispensaries that are allowed to operate in New York. The New York State Department of Health Laboratory for medical marijuana works collaboratively with New York City. They aim to identify authorized and certified laboratories to perform potency testing and contaminants evaluation.

The Impact of Marijuana in the Economy of New York

The economic impact of the adult-use of marijuana needs the target market size. Below are its possible effect:

1. Employment

Based on the employment report of New York State, there are actually 12.4 employees in every $1 million cannabis sales. Therefore, if there is $1.7 billion cannabis market in New York, approximate employment of 21,080 employees would be possible. They can be deployed in cultivation areas, manufacturing plants, laboratories, and dispensaries.

2. Growth on investment

Generally, the utilization of cannabis demands for monetary investments to support big cultivation companies within the state. One company, the Etain LLC, is having a plan to put up manufacturing facility of medical marijuana around Warren County, New York. This would cost for about $9 million investment that would be an adjunct to the existing $4 million growing areas. So, if you are thinking where to invest this decade, this one seems to be a good option. You may also visit Stocktrades for more information.

3. Effect on the economic output

The industry of cannabis will maintain its progress and will also go through the economic state. Marijuana industry will continue to procure supplies from suppliers located in New York. Those employers within the industry will put their earnings on their locality and their own economy.

No Higher Salary In The Midst of Booming EconomyNo Higher Salary In The Midst of Booming Economy

The economy runs like a madman and the business world is crying out for staff, normally a good recipe for hefty pay increases. But they are not forthcoming, inflation is even higher. How is that possible?

Labor Markets and Minimum Wage

We would make some progress. Both the economy and the tax plans of Rutte III would give ordinary citizens a big boost. All those purchases that we could afford would drive the economy and business even further.

But despite the economic boom of recent years, wages are rising less rapidly than inflation.

In the first quarter, salaries rose on average 2.2 percent compared to the same period in 2018. But the money depreciation increased by 2.5 percent, so on balance, we fell 0.3 percent on average. And it looks like that gap is widening. In April, collective labor agreement wages rose 2.3 percent on an annual basis and prices 2.9 percent.

The Central Planning Bureau hints that the forecasts for this year and 2020 will be adjusted next month. The calculators predicted a purchasing power increase of 1.6 percent so far, but with a four-month drop, it seems to be no longer an issue.

This has to do with the government’s tax measures: especially the VAT increase and higher energy tax. Prime Minister Rutte promised to compensate for the extra costs for citizens, but that is not how the consumer works. He sees higher prices, reads about higher costs and adjusts his purchasing behavior accordingly.

Savings interest and pensions

Other issues, such as the pension crisis, with funds that have no longer indexed for years and are even in danger of having to shorten, also play a role in this. The inability of political and social partners to find a solution for this – let alone one that is easy on the citizen – makes older consumers especially cautious. The psychological and financial impact of the low-interest rates, the moderate stock market climate and the tense housing market also play a role.

This reluctance could already be deduced from consumer confidence. It has been in the red since February with the likely consequence that we are all keeping our hands on the bill, which is dampening economic growth.

It is striking that our wages rise so moderately in times of economic boom. Yesterday it became clear that the number of vacancies has risen to a record level and that the number of vacancies is constantly increasing among employees who want to change jobs. Companies could influence that by simply offering more wages to switchers and newcomers.

Where are the trade unions?

But society is changing in that regard: wages and status are not, as before, the main motivation for changing jobs. People in their twenties and thirties, with the tech industry at the forefront, are increasingly counting other issues. Such as company policy, location, working atmosphere, a balance between work and leisure, the secondary employment conditions. Many traditional companies are not well aware of this and therefore miss the battle on the labor market.

Moreover, with their waning supporters, the unions are increasingly less successful in keeping wage increases in line with profit increases at companies. Politics, with the middle-right signature of the past cabinets, also plays a cautious role in this.

This development is ominous because there are strong signals that we are heading for the next crisis. Then many companies will not even be able to offer employees financially anymore and consumers will only fall back.

Teaching Loan Sharks a LessonTeaching Loan Sharks a Lesson

Thinking of doing business with loan sharks to fill up your financial needs? Well best to consider other financial options available. As much as possible, avoid transacting with them. These lenders are unlicensed and implement high rates of interest. Most cases, they are pressuring and threatening borrowers to frighten them and repay their loans. Given that these lenders aren’t licensed, it is, therefore, safe to say that they are transacting illegally.

Rather than falling to the hands of these businesses, it is preferable to seek financial services offered by wherein you can be certain that they are licensed.

The thing is, there are instances in which loan sharks is the only viable option available. When such time comes, how would you react and transact with these financial institutions? Good thing for you, there are tips that can help you in dealing with them.

Seek Help from a Financial Expert

It is recommended to consult with legal financial experts regardless of what your lending concerns are. When doing so, you are able to steer clear of dealing with loan sharks. At the same time, you will be enlightened with other ways of borrowing money from your loan advisor. Keep in mind that there’s nothing wrong in taking a loan. This is given that you know where you are getting your personal loan and on how you will be managing the money you borrowed.

Is the Lender Legitimate?

Part of your job is to confirm that the lender is legit. Have you recognized that there are many loan sharks who are presenting themselves as a licensed lender? But after performing thorough investigation, you’ll be surprised that they turned out to be illegal.

See to it that the lender is certified. They must secure lending licensed that’s issued by the government. If such information is lacking, then you may consider this is as a red flag. Therefore, it is preferable if you would stop transacting with them right there and then.

Don’t Panic

The very first thing you have to do is to keep your posture. Never let the loan sharks see that you are aware of their efforts of trickery.

Doing this may put you into risks and more problems.

No More Payments!

As you report your predicament to the right authority, it is preferable to stop making payments for your debt. Since these loan sharks are illegally transacting, it only indicates that they’ve got no rights in lending money or receiving payments to their debtors. You have to know your rights and the law being a borrower.